Me and Sitecore

After all this time, I always talked about writing and sharing Sitecore experiences and tips... Well few years back, I wanted to start it using custom blog code and soon realise it was a struggle to update... Finally, I decided to migrate it all to blogspot which is easy to maintain... So here we go... I hope you may found some useful things and somehow I could add a small contribution to your Sitecore journey...

My background is a little atypical for a developer as my entire schooling was in Mechanical Engineering. I was always interested in technology and programing but never thought about a career. After completion of my Master at Sydney Uni, and thanks to a good friend of mine, I started my journey as Content publisher at WDG where I had the opportunity to self-teach HTML, PHP and .NET. During my journey with different agencies, I had the opportunity to meet great people from whom I could learn and gain a great deal of experience. In 2007/2008, I came across Sitecore which was quite impressive. Thanks to Alistair Deneys, I had a great start and insights on the CMS capabilities. Since then, I have never stop using it.  

Growing from content publisher to Consultant in the .NET space and Sitecore, I have been involved in all sorts of projects from simple website implementations to complex integration. I have been involved in providing solution architecture, producing technical documentation, developing prototypes. I also enjoy playing around with Sitecore on my free time.

During those 6 years I also had the chance to use a large panel of Sitecore products and features such as SIP, ECM, Social Media Connector, and SharePoint Integration Framework. In all my projects, one thing has always amazed me: how extensible Sitecore is… One thing for sure, I am still learning every day.

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